Rattray’s Royal Albert cover

Rattray’s Royal Albert

Contenuto dichiarato: Black Cavendish, Burley, Virginia
Tipo miscela: aromatizzata
Aroma: miele, vaniglia e arancia
Taglio: loose cut
Forza: mite
Confezione: latte da 100 gr
Prezzo attuale: Italia € 36,50 / Germania € 18,80 / Inghilterra £ 12,99
Cod. AAMS: 18816

Prefazione del produttore

Royal Albert is a well-balanced pipe tobacco with a smooth and exquisite blend of three different Virginias, sweetish Black Cavendish and fragrant Burley.
To optimize the blend, Royal Albert is accentuated with a lovely aroma of orange and honey, with an added touch of the all-time favourite, vanilla flavour. Absolutely delicious!

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Rattray’s Royal Albert